Kettle Drum
for a circle of four numbered couples.
Reconstructed by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr.
Music: Country Capers, by the New York Renaissance Band
Part 1
Verse 1, Part A
1: Take hands in a circle, meet a double.
2: Back a double.
Verse 1, Part B
1&2: That again.
Chorus 1, Part A
1: Women meet taking right hands across.
2: Men meet, taking right hands across briefly.
3&4: Men take your partner’s right hand and turn your partner back to place.
Chorus 1, Part B
1: Men meet taking left hands across.
2: Women meet, taking left hands across briefly.
3&4: Women take your partner’s left hand and turn your partner back to place.
Part 2
Verse 2, Part A
1&2: Side left with your partner.
Verse 2, Part B
1&2: Side right with your partner.
Chorus 2, Part A
1: Odd couples meet a double.
2: Even couples meet a double while odd couples fall back a double.
3&4: Evens reach out with your right hand to the odd person right next to you, then cast off left and lead them in an arc to your left so that you end up in their place and they end up in yours.
Chorus 2, Part B
1: Even non-couples (in odd couples’ places) meet a double.
2: Odd couples meet a double while even couples fall back a double.
3&4: Odds reach out with your right hand to the even person right next to you, then cast off left and lead them in an arc to your left so that you end up in your proper place and they end up in theirs.
Part 3
Verse 3, Part A
1&2: Arm left with your partner (right arms, circle left).
Verse 3, Part B
1&2: Arm right with your partner (left arms, circle right).
Chorus 3, Part A
1: Take both hands with your partner, swing your arms in (2 beats) and then out (2 beats).
2: Swing your arms in, break and continue the motion around to face your corner.
3&4: Kiss (or hug or whatever) your corner twice by leaning in to kiss for two beats, then leaning out, and repeating that.
Chorus 3, Part B
1: Take both hands with your corner, swing your arms out (2 beats) and then in (2 beats).
2: Swing your arms out, break and continue the motion around to face your partner again.
3&4: Kiss (etc.) your partner twice as before.